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mandag 9. mai 2011

A welcome to my readers all over the world :-D

Intro in norwegian: Mulig jeg tar litt hardt i her nå, men sånn er det nå en gang å komme fra løten; alt er stort her... :-D

I can see on the page for my statistics that I have a few visitors from America, some from Germany and some from Denmark. I really apriciate it! :-) So maby it's time for an internatinonal presentation of "Astridhuset".
I'm me, Astrid, soon to bee 33 years old, I live in Noway about two hours from Oslo and 1 1/2 hour from Lillehammer. I live with my boyfriend, and my cat in a small willage deep in the woods. We live in the house I grew up in, and I became the oner of this house in december 2010.
My interest is many, house, garden, hobbies such as knitting, chroceting, scrapbooking (but mostly cards and boxes for birthdays, hollydays etc), and books. I have one room in the house dedicated to books and one for hobbies. Most of my reading is books originaly publiched in english, authors such as Mary Higgins Clark, Stephen King, Joy Fielding, Douglas Adams and many more!!
I apologise for any bad spelling and grammar, (I got a bad feeling from my days at scool, writing a terrible essay about myself. I hope no one makes me read this one out loud!!)
If anyone would like me to tell more about "astridhuset" or myself, I'll do that, but I think this is enough for now.
Thank you for your visit, please feel free for another visit later. :-)

And the end in norwegian; Kjære vene. Jeg har nok glemt alt jeg lærte på skola. Nå; veldig flau og forvirret.
Da jeg hadde jobb på hotell i Oslo snakket jeg jo masse engelsk, så mye at jeg innimellom stoppet opp i mine egne tanker fordi jeg tok meg selv i å tenke på engelsk, den tiden er nok forbi...
Men, dere er enige i at når en har noen besøk fra andre siden av dammen, så er det hyggelig å hilse på et språk de fleste forstår? (se bort i fra skrivefeilene så...)
Nå er det natt her. Håper alle får en god og varm natt.
Her er det fortsatt 15 varme. (nesten 30 varme i skyggen før i dag)

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